Friday 4 March 2016

Games with the juniors

On Friday for the middle block the year 8 and a couple of year 7 played games with the juniors.

In the first block we planned out what game we were going to play with them. we had to do this activity with a partner. I went with Samantha L. We researched good games to play outdoors with little kids. We found a really good website that had 30 good games. We narrowed it down to 5 games. Then wed decided what ones the little kids would enjoy the most. We decided we wanted to teach them a game they wouldn't know and it got down to Skipping.

When we got outside to play the game we got 3/4 students to play the game with. For the first group we had we had all girls. For the 10 to 12 minutes we had them we did free skipping, challenges and races. We think that group enjoyed our game.

When the time was up we went and sat down again. Then we got another group. This time we had a mix of boys and girls. We did the same activities and again we think they enjoyed though we did have one girl that was scared of skipping so I played with her on the playground instead.

Then we had to pack up our game, say bye to the kids then head back to class.

Here is a photo

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