Wednesday, 18 November 2015

Distinction Evidence

Technology on the bus

On Tuesday I had Technology.

First of all I transitioned quietly and respectfully to the bus. While we were waiting to ascend the bus I whispered to the person beside me and stayed to the side so the people on the other bus could get on.

When I was on the bus I showed the CARE values by:

- Community by staying seated and talking to the person beside me so the bus wouldn't get loud
- Active thinking by reminding people to stay seated and to talk quietly
- Respect by talking to the person beside me
- Excellence by being resilient when people wouldn't listen about staying seated and to talk quietly

When I got off the bus I transitioned quietly and respectfully to where I was supposed to be.

Monday, 9 November 2015

Distinction Evidence


On Monday I had Librarian with Samantha W.

First of all we stacked the shelves. You do this by looking on the spine of the book and seeing what letters are on it. You also have to check what colour the label is so you know what area to put it in. Then you stack it nicely.

Next we sat at the desk and issued, returned and renewed books.
To return books you scan the barcode and put it on the left side of the desk where the book markers are.
To issue a book you have to type in the borrowers name or scan the barcode next to their name in the book. Then you scan the barcode in the book and stamp it on the stamping page.
To renew a book you go onto the borrowers account and click the name of the book they're renewing and press renew when the button comes up.

We were doing this for the rest of the lunch.

Monday, 2 November 2015

Distinction Evidence

Peer Mediation

On Monday I had Peer Mediation with Sam L.

First of all we went and got the jackets, necklaces and Ipads. Then we headed to the courts.

When we got to the courts we did a couple of laps around it.

We were on our second lap a little boy came up to us. He said there was a problem on the Playground.

We went over to the playground and found out what the problem was. The problem was that a boy was chasing him. When we tried to solve it we found at the other peoples story. One boy told us that the other one (the one that came up to us) had been punching and kicking everyone. We found out this was true and asked him to apologise. He did. We also found out that the boy who had been chasing him had been asked by his friends to do it. We got him to apologise and he did. Then we asked his friend that had told him to do it to apologise but he refused to so we couldn't solve the problem.

When we had done that it was time to go. We  put the stuff away and went to play.

Sunday, 1 November 2015

Distinction Evidence


On Friday I had Librarian with Samantha W and Rakai. I was filling in for Kyla.

First we went and stacked the shelves with the books.

You do this by looking at the letters on the spine then putting them in the shelf with that letter.

You also have to look at what colour the letters are. The Blue one's are for the Kauri team, the Black one's are for the Kakano team and the Green one's are for the senior's.

After that we sat down at the desk for awhile. We issued a couple of books before Mrs Ward let Sam W and I go. She said Rakai would be fine by himself.

We were only there for 10 minutes.

Thursday, 22 October 2015

Distinction Evidence

Peer Mediation

On Wesnesday I had Peer Mediation.

First we went and got the IPad, Necklaces and Jackets.Once we did that we headed to the field.

When we got to the field we started walking around it. We asked people if they had any problems but no one did.

We kept walking and asking but then we saw a junior sitting on the ground crying. We went over and found out what happened. Why happened was that he was playing Soccer and his friend picked up the ball and took it away. We made sure we used out Peer Mediation skills that we got taught at the Peer Mediation training by bending down to their height and repeating back what they said. We solved the problem by getting the ball back and finding a new game to play. They couldn't keep playing Soccer because the ball they were using is for the senior's.

While we were walking we had a bunch of year 3's come up to us and start talking to us. They didn't have a problem they just wanted to talk to some senior's. We tried to make them go away because there might be kids trying to approach us to sort out problems. We ended up letting them stay with us because the bell was about to ring.

We were on Peer Mediation for the whole of lunch because the other group didn't turn up and we didn't want to leave the field unattended.

Thursday, 15 October 2015

Distinction Evidence

Peer Mediation

On Wednesday I had Peer Mediation with Samantha L.

First we went and got the Ipad, necklaces and jackets. Once we had put them on we headed out to the field

When we got to the field we started walking around the Long Distance track because it was marked out with cones and it covered the whole field.

While we were walking we got approached by a little boy who said his friend had hurt his leg. We went over to see how bad it was and saw it was just a little cut. We told him he could go and see the teacher in the orange vest and they could give him a plaster but he said it was okay.

After we sorted that out we kept walking around the field. When we were at the big acorn tree in the corner of the field we had some little kids come up to us saying they saw some older kids diving into the pool of water on the Long Jump pit mat. We went over and found out there was. One of them ran away and the other one admitted he was which was obvious because he was soaking wet. We thought they were in year 4 or 5. We told him to go to the office and get a new uniform for today but he said it was drying.

We kept on walking and we had only taken a couple of steps before another group of little kids approached us. Their problem was that someone had kicked their ball away. We sorted it out then discovered that some people were cheating. We helped them come up with a solution which was you all rotate positions.

Once we finished that it was time to go. We hung up the necklaces and jackets and put the Ipad away.

Monday, 12 October 2015

Distinction Evidence


On Monday I had Librarian.

On Monday on of the people I do Librarian with was away so showed Community and found someone to cover for them.

First of all we put the books onto the shelf. You do this by getting them off the trolley and seeing what letters are on the spine. Then you find that letter on the shelf and put it there.

Next we sat down at the desk issuing and returning books for people. We returned a whole heap of books and issued a few. When there was no one to help we quietly chatted amongst ourselves.

We told everyone hen the library was closing and thanked Mrs Ward and left.

Goals Reflection

Improve in Maths- I have improved in maths because I have passed Number, Geometry and nearly Algebra. I am nearly at the year 8 standard. My next step is to pass Algebra.

Get my Distinction badge- I will have my Distinction badge in a couple of weeks because I just need to finish blogging about Peer Mediation and Librarian.

Become a leader in the school- I have become a leader in school by participating in all extra curriculum activities apart from 2 which are Radio station and Communication team. My next step is to continue turning up from them and to help in any way possible.

Thursday, 24 September 2015

Distinction Evidence

Being a role model for the Kakano team

On Monday we had an assembly.

I showed Community by keeping my hands and feet to myself and by not kicking the chair in front of me.

I showed Active Thinking by putting my hand up when we got asked a question.

I showed Respect by facing the front, listening to the person speaking and not talking to the person beside me.

I showed Excellence by being proud when I got my award for the ICAS.

I sung with pride in the school song and in the National Anthem.

Wednesday, 23 September 2015

Friday, 18 September 2015

Distinction Evidence

Kapa Haka

On Friday I had Kapa Haka.

First we went through our new school song Taitapu. We had to do this again because we forgot to build up to the chorus.

Next we practiced our new song Tahurihuri. The year 8 girls do long poi to this, the rest of the girls do short poi and the boys do actions.

We go through this. The next time we go through this Mr Brown and Mrs baker tap people on the shoulder that aren't doing the poi right or a struggling. Everyone except the year 7's had to sit down.

Mr Brown and Mrs Baker took them to the back of the hall while the year 7's practiced it again. Matoua Rihari said we needed to practiced the "Nga rori ka hoki " part because again because we were going to fast.

I asked Matoua Rihari what way we were meant to sway our poi because everyone was swaying it different ways. He said you were meant to sway it to your right because that's the way you always start your actions to.

Once we got the " Nga rori ka hoki" in time and swaying our poi the right way we performed it with the other years and Matoua said that it looked amazing. I think the session really helped me with the poi.

After that it was time to go.

Distinction Evidence


On Friday I had Choir.

First we warmed up our voices.  Here is some exercises we do

- Square Jump
- 1,1,2,1
- 1,2,3,4,5
- Ah

Next we practiced a new song that we have which is called Adiemus. We watched a video a couple of weeks ago  and that's how we found out about the song. Here is a video of the song

We went through till we finished the verse after the instrumental part. Some people volunteered to do the solos so we put them in a big group and they did that part. When we finished it singing it 1 time, 1 of the Kauri team captains Mrs Pattern came in. We sang her the song and she really enjoyed it. She even knew the song!

After that we went through some songs for the Music Festival that's coming up.

First we practiced The Long White Sails. We had the Piano playing and the Violin which made it sound really good.

Secondly we went through May There Always Be Sunshine and again we had the Piano playing and the Violin.

Finally we practiced Slice Of Heaven. This song is a really fun song so we are all laughing and enjoying it.

After we finished that it was time to go.

Distinction Evidence

Kauri team event
Koru Games

Over the last 3 days I have been at Koru Games with the year 7/8's. I was competing in Netball.

Thinking back to the beginning of the year, I have really improved in sticking to my partners side to stop them getting the ball. I have also improved in holding my 3 foot guard.

My goal for the next Koru games is to improve in all area's so that my team can come in the top 3 next year.

Overall our team came 8th in the tournament.

Monday, 14 September 2015

Distinction Evidence


On Monday I had Librarian with Samantha W.

First we put the books on the trolley on the shelves. We started with the senior books then moved onto the junior one's.

 You put them away by checking their spine to see what the letter is.  The colours change depending on if it's senior, junior, non fiction or fiction book.

Next we sat at the desk saying hi to people entering or issuing books and returning them.

Once we had been sitting there for awhile Samantha L came in to help after her Peer Mediation.

For the rest of the time only a couple of people came to issue and return books.

At 1.20 the library shuts so we had to tell the people in it that it had shut.

After we did that it was time to go.

Distinction Evidence

Kapa Haka

On Friday I had Kapa Haka. This week it was only 20 minutes.

First we practiced our new song Tahurihuri. The girls do poi for this song while they boys do actions.

We did the song but I accidentally did a move 1 more time than I had to but other than that it was fine. We went through this a couple of times and then we moved onto our new school song Taitapu.

We go through it. When we finish Mr Brown wants us to practice 1 line " ko matou tamariki e tu mai nei". He said we mumble it a little bit so we go over that line.

Once we do that it's time to go.

Distinction Evidence


On Friday I had Choir.

First of all we warmed up our voices. Here are a couple of exercises we do

- Square jump
- Doupie doo
- 1,1,2,1

After that we practiced Ring of fire. We went through the whole song. There were a few parts that we didn't know so we practiced that.

1 of the parts we didn't know was " away I'd rather sail away, like a swan that's here and gone." We were having problems with it because it's really high.  Mr Mcallum taught us a trick which was bending over while you sing the high note. We tried this and it worked. Miss Harris also taught us a trick which was to imagine you were driving along a road and when you got to the high note imagine your just going down a nice straight road and not over a hill. That trick worked as well.

There was another part which was " with love in her palms she was of beauty and splendor ". We were having trouble with this because we couldn't get our mouths around it.

Once we had practiced that it was time to go.

Wednesday, 9 September 2015

Distinction Evidence

Being a role model for the Kakano team

On Monday the whole school had assembly.

I showed the Community by keeping my hands and feet to myself.  An example of me doing this is that I didn't kick the chair in front of me.

I showed Active thinking by putting my hand up when Mrs Trotter asked us a question.

I showed Respect by listening to the speaker and facing the front.

I showed Excellence by accepting my Excellence badge with pride.

When we sung the National Anthem I sung with pride.

Saturday, 5 September 2015

Distinction Evidence

Kapa Haka

On Friday I had Kapa Haka.

First of all we sung He Honere to warm up our voices.

After that we ran through our new school song Taitapu. I have finally learnt all the actions for this song so now all the people that know it are teaching the others. 

Once we finish the sing for the third time Mr Brown tells us we're having a sing off.  First the year 4/5's sang.  Their feedback was good volume but they were off pitch. Then the year 6/7/8 girls sang.  Mr Brown said that we matched the pitch perfectly but needed to be louder. Finally the year 6/7/8 boys went. They got the same feedback as the year 4/5's. 

After that we had another sing off but it was year 4/5/6's vs year 7/8's.  The year 4/5/6's won at the start and the end and they year 7/8's won in the middle.

Finally we ran through the poi and then it was time to go.

Distinction Evidence


On Friday I had Choir.

First if all we warmed up our voices. Here are a couple of excercises we do

- Square jump
- Doupie doo
- 1,1,2,1

Next we practiced songs for the Music Festival that's coming up.

The first song we practiced was May there all ways be sunshine.  We went over this a few times and practices singing the high notes.  After that we moved onto the next song.

The next song was Ring Of Fire.  We went through it until we got to a part that was really high pitched. Mr Mcallum taught us a trick so we can hit it.  The trick was to bend over while you song the high note.  We tried this and it worked.  We went through that part a couple of times and every time we sang it we added a bit more of the song in.

When we had done that a couple of times we started practicing a song we're going to sing for school and it's called Ariadiamus.  We watched a video of a Choir singing it and it was amazing! Once we ran through that it was time to go.

Thursday, 3 September 2015

Writing Prove it

 Why kids shouldn't have to wear school uniform

Kids should not have to wear school uniform.  Adults don't have to wear a uniform so why do we?  Don't you want us to express ourselves as individuals?  Also they never have a top, pants and a jersey that are our exact size! If they're not the right size they get uncomfortable which is another reason that school uniforms are bad.  I understand they make us look united but that's a different story.

The highlighted text is what I've been learning this term.  This term I was in Spelling and this is what we learnt was 
- Proof read
- Read it aloud 
- Read it backwards
- Spell check 
- Piece by piece 

I think I reached Extended Abstract because I can make something to show others how to do it.

Wednesday, 2 September 2015

Distinction Evidenve

On the bus to technology 

On Tuesday we went to Technology.

I showed Community by talking with an inside voice so the bus was quiet. I showed Active Thinking by facing the front so if the bus stopped abruptly I would be ready. I showed Respect by only talking to the person. I showed Excellence by trying to tell people to be quiet in a kind way.

I used the school rules by respecting my property and and anyone else's property. I wore our school uniform with pride by not pulling it over my head to be funny

Monday, 31 August 2015

Distinction Evidence

Peer Mediation 

On Friday I had Peer Mediation with Grace C.

First of all we went and got the things we need which are:

- An IPad with the Peer Mediation app on it
- Necklaces with all classroom teachers on it and what class they teach and with the Restorative Questions on it
- Jackets that has Peer Mediator on the back

We were stationed on the field so we headed over to it.

We walked around the whole field and not just half of it so everyone could see us.  If we saw a ball getting kicked towards we returned it to the person that was playing with it or if there was a ball not getting played with we returned it to the right bin.

When we were walking we were approached by a little boy.  His problem was that he didn't want another boy to play with him and his friends.  When we went over to sort the problem out we asked them all to take turns telling us what the problem was.  We repeated the story back to the person after they told us their side of the story so that we had the right information to solve the problem.  We used all the skills we learnt at the Peer Mediator course we took to help us sort out the problem.

The solution we came up with was the boy could be on the same team as his friends as long as he involved the other boy.  We hung around for a bit to make sure everything went well and it did.

After that our time was up so we returned the gear to Room 25 and went and enjoyed our lunchtime.

Distinction Evidence

Kapa Haka

On Friday I had Kapa Haka.

First of all we went through our performances songs which are:

- He Honere
- Whakatakatehau
- Pa Mai

Next we practiced our new school song Taitapu.  We ran through all the moves to song. Most people don't know all the moves and I'm 1 of them.  I don't know them because I wasn't there that week.  The moves to the song are fun because it's a fun song.  When we practice the song there's a lot of laughing when we practice especially when Matuoa Rihhari pulls faces and does the moves  with us.

After that we practice our new song Tahurihuri.  For this song the girls do short poi and long poi and the boys just do actions.  In the routine there's a had part in the line " Nga rori ka hoki" that most of the girls can't do so the senior girls have to demonstrate to the younger kids the action.

Once we do that we run through it a few more times then it's time to go.

Distinction Evidence


On Friday I had Choir.

First of all we warmed up our voices by doing some exercises.  Here a couple of warmup's we did:

- 1,1,2,1
- Dupi do
- Square Jump

Next we started practicing songs for the Music Festival.  We started by practicing Murasame.  We started by practicing the pronunciation.  The song is Japanese so it was a bit hard to pronounce but we got there.

Then we started practicing the English part of it.  We focused on the notes and how to sing them.  We ran through that a couple of times and then we practiced another couple of songs.

Next we practiced May There Always Be Sunshine. We went through how to sing it and then we went through it.

After that we sung Slice Of Heaven.  We went through that and by the time we finished it was time to go.

Friday, 28 August 2015

Samara's Speech

The speech techniques that I used were:

-Slow down

-Look up at the end of a sentence



My next step is to use volume more to make my speech really effective

Thursday, 27 August 2015

W.A.L.T:Make links across texts by recognising connectives or adverbial clauses.

W.A.L.T:Make links across texts by recognising connectives or adverbial clauses.

Use graphs, tables, and rules to describe linear relationships found in number and spatial patterns.

I have been learning to Use graphs, tables, and rules to describe linear relationships found in number and spatial patterns.

Q. Tina and Tom are twins. Tina saves Tom spends. Tom found a $20 note on Sunday evening and spent $2 a day starting on Monday. Coincidentally, Tina started work that Monday and gets $2.50 a day. How long will it be before Tina has more money than Tom?

A.5 Days

Working out.                                      Tina l Tom
                                   Monday            $2.50         $18
                                   Tuesday           $5              $16
                                   Wednesday      $7.50         $14
                                   Thursday           $9              $12
                                    Friday               $11.50        $10    

I think I reached Extended Abstract because I've created something that can show other people how to do it and I can show my working out.

Tuesday, 25 August 2015

Distinction Evidence

Being a role model for the Kakano team

On Monday we had a whole school assembly.

I was a role model by not talking to the person beside me.Another thing I did was sitting straight and not look behind me or beside me.

I kept my hands and feet to myself by not resting my feet on the back of the chair in front of me or I didn't kick the chair in front of me.

In the Waiata and National Anthem I sung with pride and kept my hands to myself.

Friday, 21 August 2015

Excellence Evidence

Kapa Haka

On Friday I did Kapa Haka.

First of all we went through our new school song which is called Taitapu.We had people up in the stage showing us the actions.I missed the lesson where we got taught the actions but I'm catching up.

Next we practiced poi to our new song Tahurihuri.The poi is quite easy till you get to Nga rori ka hoki where you have to do a hard action really hard fast.This week I mastered doing that park now I just have to work on the last part.

Once we practiced that a few times it was time to go.

Monday, 17 August 2015

Excellence Evidence

Kapa Haka

On Friday I had Kapa Haka.

First of all we practiced our performance songs which are
-He Honere
-Pa Mai.

After that we practiced the poi to our new song Tahurihuri.We learnt 3 new moves but we're all still working on perfecting them.

After that we practiced our new school song which is Taitapu.Last week I wasn't able to go so I missed out on learning the moves to the rest of the song.We practiced the song a few times but I still haven't mastered all the moves.

When we finished practicing it was time to go.

Excellence Evidence


On Friday I had Choir.

First of all we warmed up our voices.

A couple of exercises we do are
-Square jump.

After we warmed up our voices we ran through our performance songs which are

Then we practiced some of the Music Festival songs.They were
-The long white sails
-Ring of fire

After we finished that it was time to go.

Thursday, 13 August 2015

Excellence Evidence

Peer Meadiation 

On Wednesday I did my job as a Peer Meadiator.

First of all we went and got the necklaces,IPad and the jackets.When we had got all that we headed to the field.

When we got to the field we walked the whole perimeter so that everyone could see us if they had a problem.

While we were walking a little kid asked us to solve there problem but then he ran away so we were unable to solve the problem.

We also picked up balls and gave it back to the people that were playing with it.

Why time was up we returned the jackets ,iPads and necklaces to Room 25 and went and played until lunch was finished.

Saturday, 8 August 2015

Excellence Evidence


On Friday I had Choir.

First of all we warmed up our voices.A couple of warm ups we do are
-Square count

After we warmed up we went into Se songs.The songs we practiced were

When we finished singing those songs we started singing some songs for the Music Festival.The songs we practiced were
-The long white sails
-California dreamin
-The National Anthem

When we finished singing those songs it was time to go.

Monday, 3 August 2015

Careers Board

This is my Careers Board that I did with Samantha L.

Excellence Evidence

Kapa Haka

On Friday I did Kapa Haka.

When we got there we had to line up in our lines that we use for performances.

Once we were all there we practiced singing our main songs which are
-He Honere
-Pa Mai

When we finished singing all those songs we started practicing our new school song which is called Taitapu.First we were allowed the lyrics on the screen but once we had practiced it a few times Mr Brown took the lyrics off the screen.

Then we started making actions to the song.The actin s are quite silly because Matoua Rihari told us it was a fun song.

We got around 1 quarter though the song making actions before it was time to leave.

Excellence Evidence


On Friday I had Kapa Haka.

First of all we warmed up our voices by doing lots of excersies.

Next we practiced the songs we sing in performances which are

Once we had gone over them a few times we started to practice for the Musuc Festival which is in October.

Before we sang the song we listened to the person singing it.Once the song finished we had a go at singing it.Once we finished singing we had to stand up and try remember the lyrics.When we done that for each song it was time to go.

Thursday, 30 July 2015

Excellence Evidence

Peer Meadiation

On Wednesday I did my job as a Peer Meadiator with Kyla.We were stationed on the field.

First of all we got the jackets,necklaces and iPad.Next walked to the field and started walking around it.

While we were walking we asked people if they had any problems but no one did.We also helped by if a ball was near us we have it back to the person who ever was playing with it.

When our time was up we returned the gear and went and found our friends.

Monday, 27 July 2015

Excellence Evidence

Being a role model for the Kakano team

In assembly I was respectful by listening to the speaker,facing the front and not talking to the person beside me. I clapped at the right time and I sung with pride in all the songs we sung.When I got an award I walked respectfully to the front and graciously shook the teachers hand.

Excellence Evidence


At Choir this week we only had Mr Mcallum because Miss Haris was sick.

First we warmed up our voices by doing some mouth excersies and then we practiced 2 songs which were

When we had practiced those couple of songs a few times we started practising for the Music Festival which is coming up.

The songs from the book that we practiced were 
-California dreamin
-Slice of heaven.

When Choir was finished we all walked back to class.

Excellence Evidence

Kapa Haka

This week at Kapa Haka we were practising for the Year 7/8 Open Night.

First of all we practised all the main songs that we sing which are
-He Honere
-Pa Mai

When we had practiced all of them the year 5/6 had to leave so. We could practice for the Open Night (the whole Kapa Haka group couldn't fit in the class so only the year 6/7/8's could perform).

When they had left we practiced the main songs again by ourselves.After that the boys practiced the Haka while us girls shouted the words.

When the bell rang Sam L and I had to go to Peer Meaditaion

Excellence Evidence

Being a role model for the Kakano students

In assembly I was a role model to the Kakano students because I sat facing the front in my seat and I didn't talk to the people sitting beside me.I didn't start fidegiting with my hands or start kicking the seat in front of me either.I clapped at the appropriate time and at the appropriate noise level.In the National Anthem I sung with pride and in the other songs I sung at the right level.

Excellence Evidence

Peer Meadiation

On Wednesday I did Peer Meadiation with Kyla.We were stationed on the field.

Firstly we went into Room 25 and got a jacket,  a necklace and an iPad with the Peer Meadiator app on it.

Next we walked to the field and started walking around it.On our way we asked a group of boys if they had a problem because they were all standing in a group arguing but they said they didn't.We continued walking around the field until our duty was up.

When it was time to finish we hung up the jacket and necklace and returned the iPad and went and found our friends.

Tuesday, 21 July 2015

Goals Reflection

This is a photo of me holding my leaf that has my goals on the back of it.

Improve in Maths-I have improved in Maths by attending Breakouts.I am nearly at the year 8 standard.My next step is to finish my Maths Goal.

Get a Distinction Badge-I am closer to this goal because I have just got my Merit  Badge which is the first badge.My next step is to get my Excellence Badge.

Become a leader-I have become a leader because I have joined all other curriculum  activities eg PALS, Peer Meadiation and Kapa Haka.My next step is to try my hardest in all the activities.

Thursday, 2 July 2015

Excellence evidence

Peer Meadiation

On Wednesday I did my job as a Peer Meadiator.

I was showing leadership by being on time.We were on the field so we made sure we went right around it not just half of it.We went around asking people if they had any problems but no one did, which is a good thing because that means there's no problems.I did my job fully because I didn't go play with my friends before time was up.When it was time to finish we respectfully put the stuff away then went and played.

Writing prove it

For writing I passed my goal organisation.

I did this by linking my paragraphs and making a new paragraph when there's a new speaker,place,time and idea.

Wednesday, 1 July 2015

My Maori weather forecast

Reading Prove it

W.A.L.T:Anyalyse similarity/difference of language/discourse within/between texts.

For this W.A.L.T I think I got to Extended Abstact because I can identify several features and can explain what would happen they weren't there.

Excellence Evidence

Helping out around the school

On Thursday the 25th of June I was a Marshall at the junior school Cross Country.

I was stationed at the Cunnigham street entrance to the school.

My job as a Marshall was to direct the students the right way to go and to encourage them when they came past.I think I did a good job because everyone went the right way and when I encouraged them they started running again.When the races finished we all had to do a house chant so when it was my house's turn I cheered my hardest so the little kids did the same.

Excellence evidence

On the bus to technology

On the bus to technology I sat with Samantha W.

I was respectful because I talked at an appropriate noise level the whole trip and I only talked to the person beside me.I was using the C.A.R.E value Active Thinking by reminding people around me that they needed to lower their voice a bit.When we got to the destination I said thank you to the bus driver.

Tuesday, 23 June 2015

Excellence evidence

Technology on the bus

On the bus to technology I was respectful by talking at an appropriate noise level.

I showed the Community by value by sitting 3 to a seat,I showed Active Thinking by reminding people to talk at an appropriate noise level,Respect by thanking the bus driver when I got off and Excellence by being organised  to get on the bus.

Maths Prove it

Monday, 22 June 2015

Merit Evidence

Whole School Assembly

In assembly I showed the C.A.R.E values by listening to the speaker and not talking to the person beside me.I did this by sitting beside someone that won't distract me and facing the front in my seat.I clapped politely when needed to and sung with proud when we sung the National Anthem.I also reminded people around to not talk.

Thursday, 18 June 2015

Merit evidence

Being a role model for the Kakano team

I've been a role model for the Kakano team by being in the right place at the right time.I wear my school uniform with pride and respect mine and everyone else's property eg what they're playing with at lunch and morning tea.I make sure I play in the boundaries at break and nicely remind the Kakano students if they're not.I am also a role model by getting involved in games and encourage the Kakano team to join in.

Merit evidence

On the bus to technology 

On the bus to technology I sat with Samantha L.

I showed the C.A.R.E values by only talking to the person next to me but no the people across,behind or in front of me.I made sure I was talking at an appropriate noise level.When it was time to get off I said thank you to the bus driver as I passed him.

Sunday, 14 June 2015

Merit evidence

On the bus to technology

On the bus to technology I sat with Samantha L and Samantha W.

On the bus I was respectful by only talking to the people sitting beside me and talking quietly.I sat three to a seat so everyone could have a seat.I was polite to the bus driver by saying thank you when I got off.

Wednesday, 27 May 2015

Reading Prove It

My reading group was making inferences.

In our group we learnt what it is.An infrence is and educated guess.

Our text for this follow up was Wimbeldon bans selfie sticks.For this follow up we had to think of 3 other things we would ban from tennis matches and I said hats,umbrellas and music.After we thought of 3 things we had to say if we used Text clues or background information.As you can see all of mine is background information.

My Career Goal

My writing goal is Organisation.

My career goal is to become a lawyer.There are many reasons why I want to become a lawyer such as it sounds like you have to work hard to get there and I want to be challenged and also law interests me.A big part of being a lawyer is going to court to defend people when they're in need.In New Zealand the job availability is average so I have a 50/50 chance of becoming a lawyer.

Tuesday, 26 May 2015

Merit evidence

I Kauri team Cross Country

On Wednesday the 6th of May the Kauri Team walked down to the Halswell Domain for Cross Country.

The distances was 2km for the year 4,5,6 and 3km for the year 7/8.

I showed leadership at the event by trying my hardest in my race and encouraging people while they raced.I showed Community by helping people when they finished,Active thinking by working together with another competitor,Respect by not leaving my rubbish on the ground and Excellence by trying my hardest.

Merit Evidence

On Wednesday I did my job as a peer meadiator with Kyla and Jacob.Our area was the field.

We walked around the field asking people if they had any problems but no one did.

I think we did a good job because we walked around the whole field not just one side.

When it was time to finish we hung our jackets up and went to play.

Monday, 25 May 2015


Get distinction badge-I have just about got my Merit badge.
Get better at Maths-I have attended breakouts that will help me to improve my Maths.
Become a leader-I have joined Peer Mediation and PALS.

Converting Fractions, Percentages and Decimals

Friday, 22 May 2015

My Discovery Extended Abstract

W.A.L.T:Make a lollipop bouquet.

We have now finished our lollipop bouquet and we think it turned out great!

Next Step:Find a new thing to do for My Discovery.

Friday, 15 May 2015

Merit Evidence

On Thursday I did P.A.L.S with Rebecca K,Jack M and Nate.

We were on Kauri so we set up a game of bat down.Once we were finished setting it up we went and asked people if they wanted to play but no one did.When no one wanted to play we started playing so people would want to join in but still no one came.When that game didn't work we changed the game to tricky tag but still no one came.

We waited the whole lunch for people to come but no one showed up.When lunch was over we packed up the gear and went to class.

My Discovery Relational

W.A.L.T:Make a lollipop bouquet.

We're almost done our lollipop bouquet!We have finished 4 rows.

Next Step:Buy the last bag of lollipops and finish the bouquet

Thursday, 14 May 2015

Merit Evidence

On Friday I did my job of Peer Meadition.

We walked around the field and asked people if they had any problems but no one did.We made sure we walked around the whole field and not just some of it so that people would be able to see us.We also made sure we did the whole 20 minutes.

When it was time to finish we found the people on next then went and played.

Friday, 8 May 2015

My Discovery Multistructul

W.A.L.T:To make a lollipop bouquet

We have started to make our lollipop bouquet and we have finished the first row.

Next Step:To buy a new bag of lollipops and finish the bouquet.

My Discovery Unistructual

W.A.L.T: Make a lollipop bouquet.

For My Discovery we are learning how to create a lollipop bouquet.

Next Step:To attempt to make it.

Thursday, 7 May 2015



I step onto the stone solid court
The hoops are standing strong at each end of the court
Thousands of colourful shoes fill the court owned by the 14 determined players on court 
BEEP the game has started
I leap through the air soaring like a bird 
I miss the intercept and race after my player faster than a racecar

Saturday, 2 May 2015

Merit Evidence

On Friday I did Peer Meadiation.

I made sure I turned up on time and that everyone else in my group was there too.My group and I  were on the field. 

 We walked around the field and asked people if they had any problems but no one did.  When it was time to swop we went and found the people and gave them the things they needed.

Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Negative numbers

This term I have achieved use a range of multiplicative strategies when operating on whole numbers,understand addition and subtraction of fractions,decimals and integers.
This is an example of what we've been doing......

-2 -4 ? -8 -10

-3 -2 ? 0 2

These are the answers.....

-2 -4 -6 -8 -10

-3 -2 -1 0 2

WALT:Explain the meaning of negative numbers

Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Reflection Goals

This term my goal is to achieve my merit badge so by the end of the year I can hopefully get my distinction badge.

Sunday, 19 April 2015

Merit Evidence

On Wednesday I did my job as a P.A.L with Rebecca K,Jack M and Nate.

We were on the Kakono so we had to think of some easy games to play.After thinking of some easy games we decided to ask the students what they wanted to play and they decided on Octopus.

The game went really well and they all enjoyed it.We gave away heaps of pozis to the students and had a competition to see who could pick up the most cones and the prize was one pozi.

After we put everything away we went and played with our friends.

Merit Evidence

On Friday I did my job of Peer Mediation.

As I was getting ready I realised one of the peer mediators was away.I showed initiative by asking one of my friends to fill in.As we were walking around the field we asked some groups if they had any problems but no one did.

When we finished we hung up the vest and went and played.

Thursday, 26 March 2015

Goals Reflection

I've achieved my goals by:

Leadership-I have taken up some leadership roles and have set up some games for little kids

Maths-I've attended Maths breakouts that will help me get better at the thing I need to work on

Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Thursday, 19 March 2015

The Joke

I race down the hall after the others.

"In here",Miss O'Connor directs us into one of the boys cabins.

"Ew" Sam and I say in unison as we go and sit down.

"Okay here's the plan when your name
gets called out you sprint down the hallway and into the Common Room where Mr Ladbrook will be waiting for you" Miss O'Connor tells us.

We wait for a few minutes making small talk with everyone when Miss O'Connor calls out "Sam".

I say "Good luck" as she runs out of the room.

After she left we all felt even more anxious and nervous.

"I wonder what happens....."

"Levi" Miss O'Connor yells interrupting my sentence.

"Good luck" we all yell.

I talk to Momo as we wait for the next name.

"Samara" Miss O'Connor calls out.

1,000 thoughts go through my head.Will I get hurt?,what is it?.

I get up and run out of the room.Adreniline is pumping through my veins as I sprint down the hallway.Just about there,SLAM goes the double doors as I burst through them.Mr Ladbrook is standing there ready to tell me what to do.

"Okay this is what you have to do,lift up each bucket and say what's underneath it in under 7 seconds got it?"he asks me,"got it"I reply."Okay 3,2,1 Go!!!

I start sprinting towards the first bucket.I lift it up "um a squishy ball thing"I stutter as I race to the next one."Soft toy pig"I say lifting the next bucket.2 more buckets.I reach for the next bucket and lift it up.

"ARGH"yells Mr Brown through a hole in the table.

"AHH"I scream in terror while throwing the bucket at the table.I start laughing and lift up the last bucket but nothing was there.

I walk up to Mum and find that she was videoing me.

"How was my reaction"I ask Mum.

"Priceless"Mum replies while stifling a giggle.

Next I went and sat down to watch Jack,Joeseph,Momo and Mollyanne get there big scare!

Thursday, 12 March 2015

Wonder Prequel

My goal:Ideas

Wonder Prequel

It was a cheerful,sunny day in my backyard.

"Hurry up"I whisper to Christopher.We were about to climb the massive tree that I was absolutely forbbiden to climb."I'm coming calls Christopher from behind.We scramble from bush to bush until we reach the huge tree.

I started to climb the tree first.I'm about one quarter of the way up when Christopher started climbing.I climber higher and higher until I was just about at the top when disaster strikes...Christopher falls throwing me off balance I toppled down after him.Luckily for me I landed on him but for Christopher any last hope of staying conscious vanished,he was unconscious .I scream in terror for mum and she comes racing to the door faster than a cheetah.

"What's wrong Auggie"she says out of breath

"It's Christopher he fell off the massive tree"I say as calmly as I can.

"Auggie this is why I forbid you from going up there"mum says anger creeping into her voice

"Who cares right now let's just go help Christopher"

"ok,ok let's go"and she runs to Christopher.First mum checks his pulse.That was ok.When mum said that relief flowed through my body.Next we drive to the hospital.When we arrive Christopher miracously wakes up!

"Where am I"he says in a dizzy voice.

"At the hospital sweetheart"mum says soothingly.

"Cristopher Carter"calls the reception lady.

"Come on let's go"mum says.

"Hello Mrs Smith"says the doctor.

"Please call me Maria"mum tells the doctor.

"Ok Maria what's the problem?"

"Well little Christopher here has an extremely sore leg because he fell out of a tree".

"Ok let's go get an X-Ray so we know why it hurts".

In the X-Ray room mum and stand next to Christopher who is lying on the X-Ray table.

"Will he be ok?"I ask mum

"I'm sure he'll be fine"says mum calmly.

"Christopher has a broken ankle and will need to be in a cast for six weeks but there will be no long term damage"the doctor tells us.

We walk down the hall way to the cast room.Christopher chooses a lime green cast.After we thank the doctor we go to Christopher's house.

When we get Christopher out his mother is waiting.Christopher hops as fast as he can into his mothers arms.Then we say goodbye and depart.

After Christopher's accident I felt guilty everyday.At school,well home because I'm home schooled(because of all my surgeries),mum kept attempting to comfort me by telling me it's not my fault,but that doesn't change the fact that it was my idea to climb the horrible tree.

The next time Christopher came over I couldn't look him in the eye.It got so bad I ask to be excused to go to the bathroom.

In the bathroom I let the tears gush down my face like a waterfall and remember that terryfiying day.Suddenly there was a knock on the door.I jumped up in fright then sniffle "who is it?"

"It's Christopher,look August I know you blame yourself for me breaking my ankle but it's not your fault it was mine for being my old,clumsy self".

Laughter erupted from me.

"And it's also healed perfectly fine"adds Christopher before he starts laughing from his little joke in his last sentence.

"So you wanna go play?"I ask while coming out of the bathroom.

"Sure"replys Christopher and we run to my room.

All was good again apart from my face:).

Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Merit Evidence

On Friday I did my job of Peer Mediation.

Luckily we didn't have to solve many problems which means everyone was playing happily on the playground.But we did solve one a little girl was crying in a out of bounds area but we sorted it out soon enough.

Our group was on the concrete so the courts and around the classrooms.After my duty I went and helped the rest of my group to find the next people on.