Wednesday, 18 November 2015

Distinction Evidence

Technology on the bus

On Tuesday I had Technology.

First of all I transitioned quietly and respectfully to the bus. While we were waiting to ascend the bus I whispered to the person beside me and stayed to the side so the people on the other bus could get on.

When I was on the bus I showed the CARE values by:

- Community by staying seated and talking to the person beside me so the bus wouldn't get loud
- Active thinking by reminding people to stay seated and to talk quietly
- Respect by talking to the person beside me
- Excellence by being resilient when people wouldn't listen about staying seated and to talk quietly

When I got off the bus I transitioned quietly and respectfully to where I was supposed to be.

Monday, 9 November 2015

Distinction Evidence


On Monday I had Librarian with Samantha W.

First of all we stacked the shelves. You do this by looking on the spine of the book and seeing what letters are on it. You also have to check what colour the label is so you know what area to put it in. Then you stack it nicely.

Next we sat at the desk and issued, returned and renewed books.
To return books you scan the barcode and put it on the left side of the desk where the book markers are.
To issue a book you have to type in the borrowers name or scan the barcode next to their name in the book. Then you scan the barcode in the book and stamp it on the stamping page.
To renew a book you go onto the borrowers account and click the name of the book they're renewing and press renew when the button comes up.

We were doing this for the rest of the lunch.

Monday, 2 November 2015

Distinction Evidence

Peer Mediation

On Monday I had Peer Mediation with Sam L.

First of all we went and got the jackets, necklaces and Ipads. Then we headed to the courts.

When we got to the courts we did a couple of laps around it.

We were on our second lap a little boy came up to us. He said there was a problem on the Playground.

We went over to the playground and found out what the problem was. The problem was that a boy was chasing him. When we tried to solve it we found at the other peoples story. One boy told us that the other one (the one that came up to us) had been punching and kicking everyone. We found out this was true and asked him to apologise. He did. We also found out that the boy who had been chasing him had been asked by his friends to do it. We got him to apologise and he did. Then we asked his friend that had told him to do it to apologise but he refused to so we couldn't solve the problem.

When we had done that it was time to go. We  put the stuff away and went to play.

Sunday, 1 November 2015

Distinction Evidence


On Friday I had Librarian with Samantha W and Rakai. I was filling in for Kyla.

First we went and stacked the shelves with the books.

You do this by looking at the letters on the spine then putting them in the shelf with that letter.

You also have to look at what colour the letters are. The Blue one's are for the Kauri team, the Black one's are for the Kakano team and the Green one's are for the senior's.

After that we sat down at the desk for awhile. We issued a couple of books before Mrs Ward let Sam W and I go. She said Rakai would be fine by himself.

We were only there for 10 minutes.