Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Living springs camp 2014

What: living Springs Camp 2014

So What: 

On Camp my favorite things were was Iniatives,Monorail,Bouldering wall and colours game.I liked Iniatives because it got me using my body and strength in a way I didn't know I could.The Monorail was awesome because it gave me an adrenaline rush going round the corner and I liked the Bouldering wall because it was challenging.I liked the colours game because you got to hide and tag people in the dark and it was really fun.What I found most challenging was the walk because it was hard on your legs.

Now What:

If I went back I would get more sleep at night

Me on the Bouldering wall


 me on Low ropes

The Campfire on Wednesday

My reading term 1 2014

Created using Pic Collage.

Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Math strategy

What:We have been learning some numeracy strategies at my stage.
So What:
Now What:I would like to be able to answer my 12 time tables really fast.

Wednesday, 2 April 2014

My diamanté poem

So What: My diamante poem
Now What:what I'd do differently next time is make my ice creams all different colours

Quality friend